Monday, February 25, 2013

Hey everyone, this week was good then bad then good then bad then good
then bad hhaha lots of ups and downs. First of all i lost my USB which
contained the last year of pictures that i have ya thats
really a bummer i have lost all motivation to take pictures anymore so
sorry for the lack of pics haha. Good news, im expanding my cooking
skills made lasagna from scratch....guess its not to hard but its the
first time and went well so i was happy. We had a baptism on saturday
it went really well it was a young man and we are going to be working
with his family now, they loved the baptism so hopefully their hearts
were softened. Also in other exciting news, President Omer our mission
prez announced on Tuesday that as of July 1st the Habaroni Botswana
mission will be created from the Jo-burg and Cape Town missions,
Botswana and Namibia will be the new mission and so i might have the
opportunity to be going to a new mission and starting mission work for
the first time in a new country! They didnt release numbers but it
sounded like the number of Full time missionaries in the world will be
doubled by the summer!!! 100,000!!!!!!!!! its crazy, but ya i MIGHT
have the  chance to serve in two countries and two different missions
that would be exciting! the work of the lord is moving quickly and his
coming is soon, Hope your all getting ready :) hahah but ya had some
really great experiences with a lady named shelly, her friend invited
her to church and we began teaching her, to see the change in her over
the last 3 months has been incredible! She is truly converted to the
gospel and she doesn't even know it yet. As well as some not so good
experiences, SHOW! just warning ya'll if you ever pray and ask the
Lord to help you develop charity you better watch out! cause its all
gonna come at you, haha but the experiences are good to learn from and
grow from. Also transfers are next week Tuesday the  5th! and ill be
done training so ill most likely be getting transferred :) so that
will be exciting im ready for new experiences and new people. But it
will be sad to leave this area we have some sweet people going to be
baptized in MARCH so the work is moving :)  love you all and hope you
have a great week

Monday, February 18, 2013

18 February 2013

Brother & Sister Reed Reeve
885 South 400 West
Hurricane, Ut 84737
United States

Dear Brother & Sister Reeve;

Your son, Elder Robert James Reeve, has been called to serve as a trainer of a newly arrived missionary in the South Africa Johannesburg Mission.
He will train Elder Sinayobye from Ranjato.  He was called after prayerful consideration and because of his obedience, hard work and faithfulness.  

The role of trainer is one of the most important in the Mission since the trainer helps establish a foundation for the future success of the new missionary.  He will guide the new missionary in adjusting to the local culture, acquiring goal setting and planning skills and enhancing the new missionary’s ability to teach the Gospel under the guidance of the Spirit.

I thank you for your role in preparing and guiding such a fine young man.  I appreciate the sacrifices you have made to help support him in the mission field.


President S. Craig Omer
South Africa Johannesburg Mission

HELLO, hope the week has been going good, really been praying for
Uncle Andy and you guys a lot, hope everything goes well. Yeah Elder
Sinayobye is a full fledged missionary now he doesnt need any more
training haha its really been an amazing experience, its a miracle he
is alive still and able to be here serving the lord. If you know
anything about the HIstory of rwranda is very sad and still on going,
but hes a great guy, two more weeks before transfers so lots of work
to do, hopefully if all goes well we will have a couple baptisms on
saturday and i think that will be really exciting!!!
Lots of work to do and not a lot of time sometimes its really
discouraging sometimes its rewarding and sometimes its beyond this
world, just spiritual, its nice when its good and not so good when its
not but thats life haha gotta learn to plug along. really dont know
what else to say still here, still working, and still trying to learn
what im supposed to be doing.

we share a car with the other elders so every other day we drive then
walk. the work is slowly going slow and steady, we have lots of good
potential families, just trying to work on getting the whole family
involved in the teaching process. well im about ready to leave this
area SIX months is a long time, still lots of work to do but i need a
change this place is killing me, the ward is really struggling and im
out of ideas....really dont know what to do anymore, but we just keep
praying and going to work every day waiting for the lord to bless our
yeah time is going by fast.
sorry again to hear about Uncle Andy, but hope all goes well, pray for
him and you guys every day. lots of trials to test our faith. speaking
of that i have asked for a lot by praying for Charity and asking the
lord to help me develop that....its hard.but hope all is going well
for you all love you all LOTS!!!! :)

So for the pictures, We went to the Lory Park zoo and saw lots of
animals it kinda like a sanctuary for sick or endangered animals so it
was really cool to see animals again, decided to go take a Cat Nap,
and spend the day with a group of chettas :) haha chettas  are really
just like dogs they are really nice and love to play, just dont rub
the belly they dont like it too much haha. played with baby leopards
and saw some big ones and tigers and lions oh my :) africa is
beautiful and then on the other side its a real mess haha. Africa Cup
of Nations just finished Nigera won and S.A. got 4th so all the
nigerans are partying today.

> So for the pictures, We went to the Lory Park zoo and saw lots of
> animals it kinda like a sanctuary for sick or endangered animals so it
> was really cool to see animals again, decided to go take a Cat Nap,
> and spend the day with a group of chettas :) haha chettas  are really
> just like dogs they are really nice and love to play, just dont rub
> the belly they dont like it too much haha. played with baby leopards
> and saw some big ones and tigers and lions oh my :) africa is
> beautiful and then on the other side its a real mess haha. Africa Cup
> of Nations just finished Nigera won and S.A. got 4th so all the
> nigerans are partying today.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Well the Christ-like attribute for the month is Charity and Love and
from day one the lord started testing this is gonna be an
interesting month haha but i have received some council from the lord
in my P.B. that i need to develop charity and i have been told how
just need to put it into practice but ya gonna be saying lots of
prayers this month trying to develop that love of the savior. Had a
few experiences that really tested my love for my fellow men already.(
i know its a strong word but i can say "persecution" in a degree) But
my companion Elder Sinayobye is doing well, learning lots on his first
3 months of mission haha if the pattern continues after im done
training in 4 weeks ill get transferred on March 5th. and be in my 3rd
area and if i stay there for 6 months again i might only have 4- 6
month areas on my mission, crazy! but things are good we had a great
week this week, lots of fasting and LOTS of prayer paid off had 8
investigators at church found 5 new people to teach and a couple
potential families and things are just going great after the
trials/storms comes the blue skies :) loving mission and all the
people and experiences sorry i dont tell you more about it, so much to
tell and not a lot of time on mondays haha, but we have started
implementing an idea we were thinking about for a while- Family Home
Evening groups- because lots of people dont know how to do it or are
not motivated to do it on their own so we have started grouping
families that live close in the same section and started organizing
them, hopefully this can be something that stays around for a while
and will do some good for the familes here. ITs really so different
here in Africa traditions and culture make living church/gospel
standards very difficult for people especially youth who a lot of the
time are on their own in the church. We just keep trying to help
establish the church and build peoples faith in the lord and savior
Jesus Christ! :) Hope all is going well with you all and that the lord
is watching over and protecting you :)